Elekta + Magnolia

Elekta skaliert für Unternehmenswachstum mit Magnolia. Das alte CMS des globalen Gesundheitsunternehmens Elekta war nicht leistungsfähig und nicht integrierbar - Magnolia ermöglichte es dem Unternehmen, ein einheitliches Web-Erlebnis zu bieten und gleichzeitig die jährlichen Kosten zu senken.

elekta thumbnail

annual savings with Magnolia

Über den Kunden

Elekta ist ein Gesundheitsunternehmen, das bedeutende Innovationen und klinische Lösungen für die Behandlung von Krebs und Hirnerkrankungen entwickelt. Das Unternehmen entwickelt hochentwickelte Instrumente und Behandlungsplanungssysteme für die Strahlentherapie und Radiochirurgie sowie Softwaresysteme zur Verbesserung der Arbeitsabläufe im gesamten Spektrum der Krebsbehandlung. Elekta hat seinen Hauptsitz in Stockholm, Schweden, und ist ein weltweit tätiges Unternehmen mit rund 3.300 Mitarbeitern.

Nach nur vier Jahren Einsatz stellte sich heraus, dass das PHP-basierte CMS von Elekta nicht die Zuverlässigkeit, Flexibilität und Skalierbarkeit bot, die für den Betrieb der globalen Unternehmenswebsite erforderlich waren. Außerdem war es schwierig, die Websites der jüngsten Akquisitionen einzubinden. Mit Magnolia Enterprise CMS war Elekta in der Lage, alle Websites der übernommenen Unternehmen in die Elekta.com-Familie einzubinden und so ein einheitliches Web-Erlebnis zu schaffen. Magnolia hat sich nicht nur als überlegenes CMS erwiesen, sondern auch die Kosten um 45.000 Dollar pro Jahr gesenkt.

The Challenge

Providing a unified web experience across multiple languages and brands

After only four years of use, Elekta’s PHP-based CMS just wasn't up to the job of running the company’s global corporate website. It was unreliable and difficult to customize or extend. Elekta had made a number of acquisitions, and it urgently needed to provide a unified web experience across multiple languages and brands.

With so many new products to promote, Elekta needed a CMS that could easily provide every product category with its own landing page, act as an effective entry point, and deliver content tailored to the needs of each visitor. The company could then optimize these pages to target potential visitors and enhance overall search engine rankings.

In addition, the CMS had grown increasingly expensive, due to constant unplanned fixes, on top of locked-in hosting and backup fees. It was time to find a new CMS that would be flexible enough to accommodate future unknown needs and acquired company websites.


The Solution

A flexible and scalable solution

The Elekta IT team drew up an extensive list of feature requirements and began internal tests on a number of CMS solutions, including Joomla, Drupal, and TYPO3. Magnolia came out on top, allowing Elekta to pull all its acquired companies’ websites into the Elekta.com family.

Developers were especially happy with the power of the Magnolia toolset, including the RSS aggregator and data sections. They found Magnolia to be so flexible and scalable that they could satisfy every site modification request from marketing without a problem. The marketing team could finally take control of content.

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization was also greatly improved. With so many product categories, there were many possible landing pages, so SEO was key. User-friendly links automatically replaced the old illegible ones, while the system now automatically prompts authors to enter keywords and descriptions, so that no page is left un-optimized. Pages now load faster too, not only enhancing the visitor experience, but also enhancing search engine ranking, since page load time is an indicator of ‘page authority’.

The Result

A unified web presence ready for the future

Magnolia enabled Elekta to bring together all its acquired company websites and create a unified web presence across multiple languages and brands. This enabled the company to create personalized visitor journeys that resulted in increased leads and higher customer engagement. 

Not only did Magnolia prove to be a superior CMS, but it also allowed Elekta to reduce costs by $45,000 per year. Elekta was then able to use some of those savings to recruit new members to their web development team, spurring a virtuous cycle of development.

Because of Magnolia’s scalability, Elekta can easily integrate new sites in the future, meaning that it can grow and strengthen its brand presence.

“In the beginning, we didn’t recognize the advantages of Magnolia. Now, it’s hard to imagine how we would have created the site otherwise. The templating kit saved us an enormous amount of time and provided everyone with a unified structure to work to.”

Tobias Müller

Developer, Global Web & Multimedia, Elekta

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