Marketers say search optimization was the #1 use for a CMS in 2019

‘Search optimization’ has been ranked as the most important use case for a CMS by marketers in 2019, with 44% saying they used their CMS for this purpose last year, according to new research from leading content management (CMS) provider, Magnolia.

Mar 10, 2020 | 10:00 AM

‘Search optimization’ has been ranked as the most important use case for a CMS by marketers in 2019, with 44% saying they used their CMS for this purpose last year, according to new research from leading content management (CMS) provider, Magnolia.

The Magnolia report, ‘The State of CMS: 2020 & Beyond’ incorporates a survey of over 200 marketers across both the UK and US to build a deeper understanding of what it is that businesses want and need from their CMS.

After search optimization, the next use for a CMS in 2019 was page design (40%), followed by scheduling content (39%) and asset management (38%). Furthermore, it reveals that less than a third (24%) of marketers are using their CMS for omnichannel campaign creation.

Commenting on the findings, Magnolia’s Marketing Director, Priya Patel Dockerty said: “Today’s content management systems are extremely versatile and capable of creating true omnichannel experiences by providing a huge array of publishing, testing and optimization tools."

“However, despite these advances in technology, marketers are still relying on outdated CMS’ which are failing to help businesses to scale effectively. As such, the majority are sticking to more traditional use cases such as search optimization, scheduling content and page design. To deliver exceptional customer experiences, marketers must invest in a CMS which places a high priority on things like speed of content delivery, ease of use and customization.”

To download the full ‘The State of CMS: 2020 & Beyond’ report, click here.

About Magnolia

Magnolia is a leading digital experience software company. We help brands outsmart their competition through better customer experiences and faster DX projects. Get full headless flexibility and seamless workflows across best-of-breed digital experience stacks.

Global leaders such as Tesco, Avis, Generali and the New York Times all rely on Magnolia for maximum reliability, high-speed project implementation and exceptional omnichannel experiences.

Magnolia is a privately-held company, founded in 1997, with headquarters in Basel, Switzerland and subsidiaries around the globe. 

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This report incorporates data from a study of 100 in-house marketers in the US, 100 in-house marketers in the UK, 100 senior IT decision makers in the US and 100 senior IT professionals in the UK. The study was commissioned by Magnolia and conducted by independent research house Censuswide. The study was completed in June 2019.

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