On-demand webinar

DXplained: Global Content Rollouts & Live Copy

Learn how to best plan your global content strategy and multi-site setup, together with the right Magnolia tools to support them. We’ll show a demo and provide best practices and enablement on Live Copy - a powerful feature to manage multiple sites that share content with ease. 


What you will learn?

In this DXplained webinar, we’ll discuss when and how to use key Magnolia features that support content rollouts and reuse across multiple sites, brands, languages and markets. 

We’ll also deep dive into Live Copy, a powerful tool to manage multi-site installations that share content without duplicating efforts, discussing the exact use cases when Live Copy is a great fit, as well as providing best practices.   

Watch Magnolia’s product manager for author experience Laura Delnevo and senior solution architect Tobias Kerschbaum for a fireside chat and demo. 

  • How to assess your requirements and decide on your site structure  
  • When and how to use Magnolia’s Live Copy, Translations, Content apps, Campaign manager and Personalization capabilities to support your global content strategy 
  • How to best reuse content across your multiple websites, ensuring proper governance while providing the needed flexibility for localization  
  • Best practices and how to avoid pitfalls in using Magnolia’s Live Copy
Tobias Kerschbaum

Tobias Kerschbaum

Solution Architect, Magnolia

As a solution architect, Tobias works closely with customers and partners, sharing his knowledge and expertise. He helps organizations evaluate and understand how Magnolia can meet project requirements. He contributes to the project plan and ensures the right modules and technologies are chosen. Besides delivering tailored workshops, Tobias also gets involved when customers and partners need to implement new functionality or custom requirements.
Laura Delnevo

Laura Delnevo

Product Manager, Magnolia

Laura is Product Manager at Magnolia, working closely with engineering and product management teams to maximize the value of our DXP for Magnolia customers and partners.