Build your brand on our technology base
Highly secure
Magnolia's role-based security, single sign-on (SSO), and decoupled author and public servers provide you with the highest levels of security for content and customer data. No penetration test has ever failed.
Build confidently on top of your existing technology stack without worrying about compatibility. Seamlessly adapt and evolve the platform with Magnolia's versatile integration and customization points, open-suite model, and flexible user interface.
Cloud friendly
Magnolia works with any cloud infrastructure. For increased agility and speed, try Magnolia Cloud, our platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering.
Federated multi-tenancy
With Magnolia's multi-site, multi-language and multi-tenancy capabilities, you can centrally manage your network of franchises, country sites or subsidiary websites, plus you have the flexibility to support each brand or local market.
Microservices integration
Magnolia's strong integration capabilities and powerful REST API make it easy to add microservices, enabling you to deliver powerful digital experiences and services backed by a microservice architecture.
What success looks like
Lift digital experience to new levels
See how Magnolia manages the entire content lifecycle
Omnichannel conversations
Magnolia handles any kind of content through any channel for any customer. Whether you’re talking to insurance policyholders, banking clients, or customers with other financial needs, our platform supports seamless integrations and highly focused conversations that boost brand loyalty and customer lifetime value.
Powering D2C
Because personalization and digitalization go hand in hand, direct-to-consumer (D2C) and self-service models are growing across all industries and sectors. If you can reach and engage directly with customers in their preferred channels, you can reinforce and enlarge your market share. Magnolia provides a versatile and creative infrastructure to connect with customers in new and powerful ways.
Personalized products and services
Magnolia enables banks, financial institutions and insurers to meet the unique and diverse requirements of their customers. Create and customize products, craft highly focused messages for particular audiences, and quickly respond to new customer demands. With Magnolia you can do all this and much more. We help you turn prospects into customers, build stronger relationships across every touchpoint, and increase customer loyalty and retention.
Simple to build and use
Digitalization can be challenging for BFSI companies, but Magnolia’s DXP makes it easy to transform your business. With our low-code approach, you don’t need advanced IT and authoring skills. We provide all the tools you need to create content how you want, where you want, quickly and efficiently.