Join Magnolia in Winterthur

Swiss MarTech Summit

With Swiss tools to your dream tech stack! The MarTech Lab of the ZHAW gathers the entire Swiss MarTech ecosystem in Winterthur around keynotes, practice cases and discussions including lots of networking opportunities.

28 5月 2024 CEST



Meet the event panel


Julius Reinartz

Business Owner Online Channels at BLKB


Samuel Staehelin

Chief Services Officer at Magnolia

Optimizing BLKB's customer and author experience with a DXP

As a leading bank in north-western Switzerland, the Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank made it its mission to create a more attractive online presence for all its target groups. The existing website was to be transformed into a modern online platform with a future-proof customer experience. And the experience was to be improved not only for visitors, but also for BLKB website editors.

BLKB accomplished this mission with the implementation of Magnolia DXP and now achieves higher conversions with half the publishing time. Find out how in our presentation at the Swiss MarTech Summit.

Book a meeting
  • Case study
  • 金融服务
  • Masterclass
  • User experience

Join us live

Tuesday, May 28


Room 101

A masterclass with:

Magnolia White logo
Join us live

Visit us at our booth!

We look forward to meeting you and will be available with our experts. Come and exchange ideas with us!

The real-world DX platform

Meet Magnolia to learn how to create fully integrated customer experiences and speed up your digital delivery with a composable DXP –  without any trade-offs.

  • Real composability
    Build a modular, integrated technology stack that you can easily adapt to new business requirements.
  • Real collaboration
    Let your teams focus on what matters most at every phase of digital experience delivery – in one workflow and a single UI.
  • Real commitment
    Your success is ours. Our people make a real effort to get to know you and your business and support you through the whole lifecycle of your project.