Magnolia 的人工智能加速器通过支持与任何生成式人工智能引擎的连接,为数字体验中的人工智能带来了灵活性和可组合性,从而加快内容创建、自动化重复性任务、提高可查找性并提高设计效率。



AI 服务可在 Magnolia’UI 中访问,从而使创建者保持嵌入和专注,并允许将 AI 工具直接放入现有工作流中。

Magnolia’AI Accelerator 带来了生成式 AI 的强大功能,可在整个内容生命周期中为营销人员和其他创建者节省时间和精力,从规划和创建到内容优化、分类以及多语言个性化内容的推出。
而且最重要的是:这一切都可以在 Magnolia 的统一用户界面中找到,并直接嵌入到内容编辑人员所熟悉的工作流中。无需在工具之间切换上下文、无需复制/粘贴、无需孤岛:只需更好的结果。



生成元数据和图片描述(SEO 和 OG),以便在发布之前优化内容。



Magnolia 的人工智能加速器使用成熟的人工智能服务,如 OpenAI ChatGPT、DALL-E、Amazon Comprehend、Amazon Rekognition 和 DeepL。利用我们的可组合方法,您可以自由使用其他服务来满足贵公司的人工智能战略和管理需求,并始终保持在新技术的前沿。


只有使用 Magnolia,您才能获得 Hyper Prompt,这是一个灵活的提示模板引擎,允许创建和重复使用复杂的提示,其中包括:
- 说话的语气
- 批准的消息传递
- 关键词和其他 SEO 考虑因素
- 或创建符合品牌、目标和高度优化的内容所需的任何内容。

使用 Magnolia 安全地使用人工智能
当您将人工智能生成的内容作为数字体验的一部分时,您需要正确的策略和工具来降低版权风险、保持合规性并制作高质量的内容。使用像 Magnolia 这样的 DXP 可以在以下方面提供帮助:
Produce better content, faster
Generative AI for Content teams

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is generative AI?
Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence models that can be used to create new content (text, images, audio etc.) based on the data they were trained on. The user can enter a prompt that could be a text, an image, a video, or any input that the system can process, in response to which the generative AI algorithm returns new content. This technology allows the creation of high-quality content in a matter of seconds, content that editors can further tweak and improve.
What is an example of generative AI?
OpenAI ChatGPT is probably one of the most popular generative AI tools. It uses an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text based on context and past conversations. It can be used to power chatbots or other conversational interfaces, as well as to create website copy.
What is Magnolia’s AI Accelerator?
Magnolia’s AI Accelerator is a collection of generative AI integrations that save time and money for editors throughout the content lifecycle, from planning and creation, through to content optimization, classification, and rollouts of multilingual, personalized content. It brings integrations of AI services directly embedded in Magnolia’s native editorial workflow.
What use cases does Magnolia’s AI Accelerator support and how can I get it?
Magnolia’s AI accelerator supports the following content management use cases:
- Text generation (automatic creation of components, stories, and pages, including SEO and OG metadata)
- Image generation (based on custom textual input)
- Text classification (analysis and automatic tagging of text for better searchability)
- Image recognition and tagging (automatically recognizing and tagging the content of image assets)
- Automatic translation
Each of the use case will direct you to the corresponding Magnolia module or extension.
What generative AI services does Magnolia use?
Magnolia used proven generative AI services such as OpenAI ChatGPT, DALL-E, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Rekognition and DeepL. With Magnolia’s open, composable architecture, customers can instead use any other AI services they prefer, including their own custom-built algorithms.
How does Magnolia help with AI prompting?
Magnolia is the only content management solution in the industry to come with its own enhanced prompting app, called Hyper Prompt. The app enables editors to create complex prompts that allow the reuse of company-wide best practices and speed up prompting.
Editors can use the ready-made prompts to create new content pieces, as well as to fine-tune or improve existing content.
How does Magnolia help with using AI safely?
Magnolia offers a wealth of enterprise-grade features that help organizations stay compliant and use generative AI safely. These include: adequate prompting with the help of the Hyper Prompt app; customizable editorial workflow; users, roles and groups; versioning and preview.
Does Magnolia use customer data to train AI models?
No. Magnolia does not own or operate a proprietary generative AI service or other large language model, so we do not require any training data.