Magnolia partner network
Magnolia partner network Magnolia has offices on five continents and more than 200 certified CMS and DXP partners strategically located around the world. They are experienced in a broad range of use cases and verticals, and together we are here to help you deliver engaging digital experiences at amazing speed.
铂金合作伙伴 - 是在Magnolia客户群上占有重要地位的组织。此类伙伴有强大的基于Magnolia的解决方案,服务跨越不同的行业。
黄金合作伙伴 - 是具有认证Magnolia开发人员的组织。他们也有成功的Magnolia项目交付的记录。
解决方案合作伙伴 - 是新加入的Magnolia合作伙伴。他们致力于通过培训、认证和交付项目来加强Magnolia实践经验。