Magnolia partner program

Magnolia's network of experienced, certified partners helps implement website and digital experience projects for enterprises all around the world.

Magnolia EMEA Partner Summit 2024 Highlights

Magnolia partner network

Magnolia partner network Magnolia has offices on five continents and more than 200 certified CMS and DXP partners strategically located around the world. They are experienced in a broad range of use cases and verticals, and together we are here to help you deliver engaging digital experiences at amazing speed.

See all our Partners


Magnolia_Silver partner badge

铂金合作伙伴 - 是在Magnolia客户群上占有重要地位的组织。此类伙伴有强大的基于Magnolia的解决方案,服务跨越不同的行业。

Magnolia_Gold partner badge

黄金合作伙伴 - 是具有认证Magnolia开发人员的组织。他们也有成功的Magnolia项目交付的记录。

Magnolia_Solution partner badge

解决方案合作伙伴 - 是新加入的Magnolia合作伙伴。他们致力于通过培训、认证和交付项目来加强Magnolia实践经验。

Magnolia_Technology partner badge




如果您需要帮助寻找合适的合作伙伴来释放 Magnolia 的全部价值,请联系我们的团队,我们的媒人会将您与最能满足您需求的 CMS 或 DXP 合作伙伴联系起来。
