Magnolia Support

Our fast, friendly and flexible support is available when you need it.

DX_Cloud_Support and services


Support services

Every Magnolia license comes with product support from our support team. We provide support based on the Service-level Agreement (SLA)'s response times and scope conditions. 
Read more about

On-premises support options

Cloud support options

Our official documentation is freely accessible. It includes comprehensive module descriptions, step-by-step guidelines, and release notes. 

Community Edition users can also get guidance from our

Maintenance policy

Magnolia publishes major releases once per year and maintenance releases several times per year. Major releases are usually upgrades that provide new functionality. Maintenance releases are usually updates that fix bugs or security issues.

Details of the Magnolia maintenance release policy can be found in our documentation

Service Level Agreements (SLA)

Magnolia’s service level agreements are flexible. Start from basic coverage during normal working hours or scale up to full support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Disclaimer: Service Level Agreements might be country or product-specific. Contact your local Customer Success Manager / Account Manager for a personalized offer.

Looking for more support?

Contact us, and we are ready to support you.