NKT + Magnolia


NKT + Magnolia

How cable manufacturer NKT strengthens its brand through a new web presence

NKT chose Magnolia CMS for the relaunch of its new and modern website, thus allowing the expanding cable manufacturer to strengthen its brand.


Long-term brand strengthening

NKT is one of the world's leading suppliers for the energy industry. With its 3,400 employees, the company is well known for producing a particular component that is indispensable in the process of electricity transportation: cables. The transfer of the vast volumes of electricity produced by offshore wind parks to land is only possible thanks to NKT's products.

Today, the over 100-year-old Danish company stands for products and solutions based primarily on sustainability. A company of this size requires a representative web presence – especially as the NKT brand needs strengthening in the long term.








The Challenge

The Challenge

Online repositioning of NKT

NKT decided on Magnolia CMS for this project, which was implemented with the help of Magnolia partner Nexum. A new website was created that fulfilled all of NKT's requirements.

Repositioning a company on the Internet first requires a precise analysis of the target group. Personae were formed for NKT to represent individual members of the target group. This was complemented with professional benchmarking to compare the most important attributes of NKT with those of the competition.

The Solution

The Solution

Mockup NKT

A modern headless CMS approach thanks to Magnolia

Nexum offered NKT various content management systems for realising the new website on the basis of these results. The decision was quickly taken to use a modern headless CMS approach consisting of two components:

React for the front end – Magnolia for the back end
React is a JavaScript library for web frameworks and is therefore well known by most designers. React also enables simple and effective coding, even in complex projects. Magnolia works in the background as a high-performance tool and performs the integration of the content.

In the background: Image database and product data model
For the tough requirements of the client, Magnolia proved to be the ideal CMS. Nexum first of all developed a new corporate design for NKT. Then followed the development of a user-friendly architecture and navigation for the new Internet presence – in mobile-ready responsive design, of course. Highlights in the background of the website project are two interfaces to external platforms: The image database ensures that the pages are illustrated and the product database ensures convenient integration of the product detail pages.

Magnolia proved to be the ideal tool, especially for the strict separation of form and content (front end and back end).

The Result

The Result

Mockup NKT 2019

A comprehensive relaunch of NKT.com

NKT was involved in the realisation of the project from the start right through to its successful conclusion. At the end of it all, Niklas Rademacher, Director of Group Marketing at NKT, was thoroughly convinced by the "strong and absolutely reliable project management" with Nexum and Magnolia.

The NKT spokesman's enthusiasm comes as no surprise. The result really is impressive: 80 individual pages are housed on the new NKT website. And they consistently fit the new corporate design of the modern company, which looks great on both stationary and mobile devices. Added to this is continuous tracking with Google Data Studio, which allows continuous observation of the most important key figures. This allows constant monitoring and control of the performance of the Internet presence for the globally renowned cable company. It shows that Magnolia is able to fulfil various tasks as a high-performance CMS and is among the most flexible solutions in creating new websites.


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