Die Content-Plattform
für E-Commerce

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Einzigartige Commerce-Erlebnisse gestalten

E-Commerce-Systeme dienen der Verwaltung von Produktdaten und dem Handling von Bestellungen. Die Bereitstellung von dynamischem Content und personalisierten Experiences ist die Kernaufgabe der Content Platform. 

Mit seinen Best-in-Class Headless CMSConnector Packs und Headless Accelerator unterstützt Magnolia Sie dabei, harmonische Multichannel Shopping Experiences von der Produktbeschreibung bis zum Check-out zu gestalten — alles in einer modernen Digital Experience Platform.

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Einheitliche Einkaufserlebnisse

Dank einer nahtlosen Integration von Content und Shop, erleben Ihre Kunden eine einheitliche User-Journey über alle digitalen Kanäle hinweg, ganz egal, in welcher Phase ihres Einkaufs sie sich befinden. 

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Ohne Author Experience keine Customer Experience

Kein unnötiges Hin- und Herwechseln zwischen Ihrer E-Commerce-Plattform, Ihrem CMS und Ihrem PIM: Content und Commerce stehen Ihren Marketing und E-Commerce-Teams in einer leichten, modernen, benutzerfreundlichen UI zur Verfügung.


Zukunftssicher und flexibel

Bereits getätigte Investitionen in Ihren MarTech-Stack waren nicht umsonst: Integrieren Sie Magnolia einfach in ihre bestehenden Systeme, egal ob in der Cloud oder On-Premise, Headless oder als herkömmliches Content Management System. 

Bringen Sie Ihr E-Commerce-Setup auf das nächste Level ...

Switch DE-1

Sie haben große Marketingziele, aber Ihr CMS schränkt Sie ein? Erweitern Sie Ihr eingesetztes E-Commerce-System um das Headless CMS von Magnolia und schaffen Sie moderne Content-driven Shopping-Experiences. 

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Replatform DE-1

Ihr bisheriger E-Commerce-Stack kommt an seine Grenzen? Ergänzen Sie Ihren Tech-Stack um Magnolias Digital Experience Platform und profitieren Sie von mehr Geschwindigkeit, Einfachheit und Flexibilität.

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Content und Commerce endlich vereint

Ganz gleich, ob Sie auf ein neues CMS umsteigen oder Ihre Commerce-Architektur komplett umgestalten möchten - mit Magnolia gestalten Sie modernste Shoppingerlebnisse. Geben Sie Ihren Marketern und Ihren Entwicklern den Spielraum, den sie benötigen:

Moderne Shoppingerlebnisse

Online-Shops, die mehr bieten als simple Storefronts: Kombinieren Sie ganz einfach CMS und E-Commerce-Content zu ansprechenden Stories und Kampagnen rund um Ihre Produkte.


Steigern Sie Engagement und Konversion durch einen hohen Personalisierungsgrad, mit Hilfe von KI-gesteuerter Suche, Merchandising und Kundenbewertungen.


Erstellen Sie Landingpages und Kampagnen mit datumsgebundener Veröffentlichung und Vorschau auf mehreren Geräten (WYSIWYG-Bearbeitung). Verwalten Sie die gesamte Customer Experience an einem einzigen Ort, ganz ohne Codebearbeitung.

Analysen und Optimierung

Tracken Sie die Performance Ihres Contents und Ihrer Kampagnen direkt in Magnolia. Mit unserem native A/B/n-Testing und eingebetteten Analyse-Werkzeugen steigern Sie die Conversion-Rate Ihrer Besucher.

Responsive Assets

Schaffen Sie Rich Media Experiences für alle Kanäle mit unseren Image Focal Points und rücken Sie Ihre Produkte ins beste Licht – unabhängig von Gerät oder der Bildschirmauflösung Ihrer Kunden.

Multilanguage + Multibrand

Stellen Sie Ihre Experiences auf mehreren Seiten und in mehreren Sprachen bereit. Nutzen Sie unsere Live Copy Funktion und automatische Übersetzungen, um global einheitliche Experiences mit der notwendigen lokalen Anpassung zu gestalten.

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E-Commerce-Leadership: Warum digitaler Handel so komplex ist

Onlinehandel spielt eine zentrale Rolle für die digitale Transformation moderner Unternehmen. Aber E-Commerce ist mehr als ein einfaches technisches Add-on. Erfahren Sie von Hannu Vangsgaard, einem der führenden Köpfe im E-Commerce, wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen optimal für den digitalen Handel aufstellen.

Interview Hannu Vangsgaard, Digital Business Accelerator

Schnell, flexibel und zukunftssicher

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Magnolia Headless Accelerator

Wechseln Sie zu Headless und erreichen Sie dadurch mehr Geschwindigkeit und Flexibilität. Statt bei Null anzufangen können Sie Ihre Storefront- und andere Headless-Experiences mit unseren vorgefertigten Webkomponenten gestalten. 

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Neben E-Commerce-Integrationen ermöglichen Magnolias Connector Packs für Marketing Automation, DAM, Analyse und Optimierung eine modulare und einheitliche Digital Experience Platform (DXP).

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Cloud ready

Die Cloud-Lösungen von Magnolia bieten Ihnen Performance, hohe Verfügbarkeit und Sicherheit nach Industriestandards. Unsere APIs machen es einfach, Magnolia mit anderen Services in der Cloud zu integrieren.

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2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Digital Experience Platforms

Magnolia zum vierten Mal in Folge ausgezeichnet.

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What is a CMS platform?

A CMS platform, also known as a Content Management System platform, is a software application or framework that enables users to create, manage, and publish digital content without requiring extensive technical expertise. The content management world has always been filled with acronyms to help simplify things. However, CMS, WEM, and DXP aren’t just fancy buzzwords; see how the industry requirements have evolved.

What does CMS bring to ecommerce?

With a robust CMS (Content Management System), ecommerce businesses can enhance the product experience, leverage content marketing strategies to engage their target audience, personalize the user experience with recommendations, optimize their sites for search engines through SEO tools and analytics, streamline operations with efficient inventory management and order processing, and ultimately drive sales and business growth. Additionally, CMS platforms often offer features like custom pricing options, enabling businesses to tailor pricing strategies to specific customer segments, contributing to increased customer satisfaction and business success. 

The marketing features provided by CMS platforms further empower businesses to create targeted campaigns, track performance metrics, and refine their marketing strategies for optimal results.

What are the different types of CMS?

Headless vs traditional

The preference between a headless CMS and a traditional CMS relies on clear requirements and priorities. Headless CMS provides greater flexibility, omnichannel delivery, and customization options but requires additional development effort. Traditional CMS platforms offer simplicity, pre-built templates, and ease of use but may have limitations in customization and omnichannel delivery.

Cloud-based vs on-premises

Cloud-based CMS presents convenience, scalability, and cost efficiency, while on-premises CMS provides control, customization options, and security advantages.

Open source vs proprietary

Open source offers freedom, customization options, and community support, while proprietary provides vendor support, enhanced security, and a cohesive software ecosystem. Learn more about the open-source vs proprietary DXPs.

Does Magnolia integrate with my ecommerce platform?

The answer is a bit complicated and depends on which platform you’re using. 

But yes. With our Commerce Connector Pack, you can natively extend Magnolia into your ecommerce platform of choice.

This means you can use your ecommerce content as if it were native Magnolia content – while keeping the cataloging features and order functionality of your ecommerce solution. 

We have ready-made connectors for tools such as Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Commercetools, SAP Commerce, and Adobe Commerce. And with our APIs, you can connect Magnolia to any ecommerce platform you want.  

Check out the video here, where Jan shows how Magnolia and Salesforce Commerce Cloud work together.


I already have an ecommerce platform. Would Magnolia make sense to me?

If you have both an online store AND a brand website, then yes. 

Let’s explain: 

Ecommerce platforms are built to create and manage an online store and the related sales processes. It’s a different animal than a brand website – and the requirements for each differ. 

A brand website, for instance, would often need pages such as ‘about us’, careers, customer service, and product categories. You’d also want to be able to create specific product or campaign landing pages.

Many ecommerce systems provide basic website builders but do not offer the content management capabilities and integrations that brands need to create seamless, competitive digital experiences. So many businesses choose to have both an ecommerce platform and a CMS. 

This presents a new problem: With two separate systems, you risk creating a disjointed customer experience: 

  • The shop looks different from the brand's website
  • The search function does not work across both
  • The shopping cart disappears when users go from shop pages to brand pages.

The Magnolia Digital Experience Platform (DXP) solves both challenges by offering advanced content management capabilities AND tightly integrating with other DX systems, such as your ecommerce system so that you can create a unified shopping experience across the entire customer journey.

How does Magnolia work with my ecommerce platform?

Magnolia provides Connector Packs to many popular ecommerce systems, such as Salesforce Commerce Cloud, Commercetools, SAP Commerce, and Adobe Commerce. 

Our integration framework also makes it easy to integrate with other ecommerce systems, including composable commerce and legacy systems.

Magnolia’s integration options connect Magnolia with your ecommerce platform, so that your content authors can use your ecommerce content within Magnolia – while your product catalog and sales functionality remains with your ecommerce solution.

With a unified platform like this, you can create an experience that is equally great no matter if customers came to browse or shop. The optimized customer experience also increases your conversion rates and average order value.

Does Magnolia offer personalisation and A/B testing?

Yes. Personalisation and A/B testing is available natively or via third-party software. Magnolia’s native features enable most use cases, including those of large retailers such as Sainsbury’s.

If you have more advanced needs, we support a composable approach that lets your marketing team use their favorite software for personalization and A/B testing.

Is Magnolia a headless CMS? How will this impact our non-technical users?

Magnolia is a hybrid-headless CMS. This means that you can use it as a headless CMS or as a traditional CMS. When using Magnolia as a headless CMS, you manage content via APIs. Whereas when using Magnolia as a traditional CMS, Magnolia renders and serves your pages directly.

The hybrid-headless approach gives you ultimate flexibility: You can decide on a project-by-project basis whether you want to build your own frontend (headless) or make this decision for all of your digital channels at the time of your CMS purchase.

Either way, your non-technical users keep their creative control. Content authors get an easy-to-use visual interface including a WYSIWYG editor that lets them use Magnolia like a traditional CMS, even when using it in headless mode. If you don’t tell them, they won’t even know it’s headless.

Does my marketing team need technical skills to work with Magnolia?

We built Magnolia so that your marketers can do lots without needing the help of IT. Once your developers set up the platform, component templates, and content apps, your marketers have creative control via a visual in-line editor that’s easy to use. 

They can preview and publish experiences with the click of a button, making it fast and simple to create new content, including product and landing pages.

Do I have to ditch my existing tech stack in order to work with Magnolia?

No, not at all. You don’t have to ditch your existing tech stack in order to build a modern ecommerce experience. 

Continue working with the tools you know and like –  and just integrate them with Magnolia. As a composable CMS, you can change or swap out any tool at any time you want.

Do you have a campaign feature?

Yes. You can build landing pages and campaigns with full WYSIWYG editing, scheduled publication, and multi-device preview. Basically, you can manage the entire customer experience of a targeted campaign in one place, without touching any code.

I have more questions – what do I do?

Great! We’ll be happy to help answer any questions you have. Get in touch with us here, and we’ll do our best to help you out.